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Blue Light-Blocking Glasses

What are blue light-blocking glasses?

Blue light-blocking glasses are glasses specially designed to block or filter blue light, reducing the amount of blue light entering the eyes, the lenses of these glasses are specially treated and can filter or block blue light from TVs, computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, and lighting. Lenses with blue light reflective coating may appear blue, and lenses that absorb blue light appear yellow or amber, best blue light-blocking glasses can effectively reduce eye fatigue caused by digital and improve sleep quality.

Do blue light-blocking glasses work?

The effectiveness of blue light-block glasses depends on factors such as the level of blue light filtering, lens material, and fit. Blue light-blocking glasses can filter or block blue light, glasses with yellow or amber lenses block blue light better than clear lenses with blue light-filtering coatings. Top-rated blue light-blocking glasses can reduce eye fatigue but if you overuse devices, such as using a computer, or a smartphone for a long time, or if the mobile phone is too close to the eyes, eye fatigue will still occur. Blue light filter glasses can be very effective if you use smart devices late at night. Blue light-blocking glasses can improve sleep quality: It can improve sleep quality by filtering out blue light before it reaches our eyes.

How much blue light do glasses block?

How much blue light-blocking glasses can block is generally determined by the lens materials and coatings used in the glasses. Most blue light-absorbing lenses filter out at least 35% of blue light. Some lenses block up to 98% of blue light, but the whole world inside your glasses turns reddish brown. If you want to know how much blue light your glasses are blocking, you can consult an eye care professional or check the product label for a specific level of blue light filtering.
Do prescription glasses block blue light?
Prescription eyeglass lenses contain blue light-filtering coatings or use prescription lenses that absorb blue light, it blocks blue light wavelengths. But the blue light-blocking coating on prescription glasses may not be able to block all blue light, so scientific use of eyes is also key.
Do blue light glasses block UV rays?
While some blue light-blocking glasses may provide some level of UV protection, this is not the main function of anti-blue light glasses. If you need glasses to block UV radiation, it is recommended to wear sunglasses or glasses specially designed to block UV rays, to find eyewear that offers 100% UV protection, avoid eye damage caused by prolonged exposure to the outdoors.

How to test if my glasses block blue light?

1. Use the blue light filter test kit, wear glasses, and shine blue light onto the card or screen, the card or screen will display patterns or images that are only visible under blue light. If your glasses are effective at blocking blue light, patterns or images should not be visible when viewed through the glasses. 2. Hold the glasses up to the light. See what color the light is reflecting off the glasses. If you see blue light being reflected back, the lenses have a blue light coating, if the light reflected from the glasses is yellow or amber, the lenses are designed to absorb blue light, if no color is reflected, the lens is not capable of blocking blue light. 3. RGB color card test (red, green, and blue test). Observe whether the blue part appears black. The lower the brightness of the green part, the better, indicating that it is anti-blue light glasses. 4. Lift the transparent lens to the sky, through the transparent lens, the blue of the sky should look yellowish, indicating that it is a lens with a blue light-blocking function.
Are blue light-blocking glasses bad for your eyes?
Blue light glasses will not damage or harm your eyes. In fact, anti-blue light glasses can protect your eyes from blue light damage and reduces eye strain and fatigue caused by prolonged exposure to blue light from digital screens.

Do blue light-blocking glasses work for driving at night?

It is not recommended to wear anti-blue light glasses when driving at night, because anti-blue light lenses will change the color spectrum, for example, a blue object becomes a black object, and the green color becomes lighter, this can damage your vision, making it difficult to see objects, especially in low light.
Can blue light-blocking glasses cause headaches?
The Benefit of blue light-blocking glasses are less likely to cause headaches because they're designed to reduce eye strain and fatigue caused by prolonged exposure to the blue light of digital screens. If you feel headaches while wearing glasses, it may be that the glasses are not worn correctly, or glasses that put too much pressure on the temples, or underlying vision problems in the eye, I suggest you consult an ophthalmologist. Zeelool offers blue-light-blocking glasses that fit over prescription glasses, if you need to use the digital screen frequently and for a long time, your glasses need to be anti-blue light, to prevent excess blue light from reaching your eyes, and reduce eye strain.